Our services help organizations build partnerships with your partners, customers, clients and suppliers.

Government Agency Contracting Officers and Grant Specialists

We can help you manage your contracting and financial assistance work load; assist you with evaluations of your processes; and help with oversight of your contracts/grants.

Prime Contract Managers

As your resources get cut we will be there to help.

Local Government Agencies and Non-Profit Organizations

Need grant funds to finance your projects/programs? We can help you find the best funders, write winning applications and implement OMB compliant grant management processes.

Small Business Owners

Break into the government contracting industry. Our assistance can help you build the structure to ensure your success.

MKO Strategies provides support services for innovative grants, contracts and business strategies for our clients.

As your organization adjusts to the dramatic changes in our business environment, buy our expertise WHEN you need it, and only pay for RESULTS.